Thursday, February 19, 2009

i havent been saving images to my desktop, and therefore, my sad, little, blog, has been short on them. heres an image by kore flatmo that justin made me save for him. im still kind of sick. my head feels all floaty, but the neti pot helps a lot.
im really unmotivated though.... and sleepy. i am really sick of being sick. i just want to be healthy for an extended period of time.


Friday, February 13, 2009

ive been organizing, as of late. i am trying to go "desktop-less", which is my version of "paper-less" and involves finding new venues via the interweb to store my information, vs. relying solely on the effectiveness of my laptop as a storage device.... even externals eventually crash.

i have slimmed my blog reading way down, and imported them all into google reader, so i dont have to worry about losing links. i have also been fastidiously saving my images to my i heart it account, which saves A LOT of space. i wish more of my friends would get heart accounts... hint, hint. i still have lots of files on my computer that i am slowly filtering through....

okay. tattoo time.
i just heard that domino mag is getting cancelled. any chance you think they will give me my money back for my recent subscription? doubtful.

today is justins birthday. he is old.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

i am sick. justin is sick. its funny to me that i managed to work for five days while sick, and the first day that justin gets a sniffle, he calls in. i have bronchitis for the millionth time. awesome. since giving in to my illness, ive been sleeping a lot. its been lovely. i managed to clean up a little tonight and put together a crappy dinner.
henry got his parts snipped yesterday. i am supposed to keep him from playing for a week.... which is going to be impossible.
i got my first issue of martha stewart living today. very exciting.
ugh. im going to go lay down....