some random images from my desktop.... its completely littered with stuff right now.... do you think its safe to say that your computer desktop is a direct representation of of your current state of affairs???
i am getting married in 13 days.
my work has been really stressful. co-worker drama. personal life drama that cant help but bleed over into the professional world. im really burned out from it. my job has become a completely toxic environment, i guess the honeymoon had to end sometime. the economy has finally started to have a dramatic effect on the tattoo industry and everyone is a little more on edge, bored, up eachothers asses forty plus hours a week. so i decided to cut back my hours. this week ill be there monday, and next week ill be there mon/tues. after the wedding i guess ill re-evaluate and decide whether or not i want to go back to my reg. schedule. maybe ill just work part time and be a full time wifey. i mean, they dont call it "houseWORK" for nothing.
its been really nice having the past two days off. ive spent the entire time cleaning and organizing, and as the piles disappear, my stress seems to lift. its nearly impossible to keep up with all the one off chores when you work 55 hrs a week. i managed to do the dishes and laundry and such, but our office is a hot mess, clutter, prints, books, projects, all piled as high as possible.....
anyway, i was just taking a little break, soaking up the a/c before returning to the gross, sticky, main interior of my apartment....
bridal shower tomorrow, and then dave and busters.