so i guess im getting used to this whole "house-wife" gig. ive got a little routine going, which is kind of nice. After dropping justin off at the shop i come home and play on the internet for a couple hours....get inspired, check my mail, look for jobs, crap like that.....then i work on art. ive making making some really fun stuff lately, and it seems to take a lot of the stress off the actual process of "working". I cleaned out one of our smaller rooms, so now i have another little work space. this is important because i like to make a mess, and justin cant handle that.
i started on this plush tooth project, which is pretty fun and easy. i gave one to dj (my roomie) yesterday for his birthday, and now i have 5 orders to fill. thats pretty exciting. i can definately use the extra income, regardless of how insignificant it might be.
oh. so i managed to really stick my foot in my mouth the other day, it was pretty amazing.
justin and i stopped by quirk gallery up in richmond. that place is really amazing. by far the best gallery in the richmond area. they have a really cute little shop with a lot of cute, hip, fun stuff.....(including these little ghost salt and pepper shakers by marcel dzama)
so im in there, looking around, not breaking anything, and im buying a couple of "the drama" magazines, and the girls in there are talking about the wearable art 9 show thats coming up. so i of course bring up the fact that the year i was in it all the girls who won were naked....and that the judges must've been putses....."some ukrop guy, some radio dj..." and the owner says, "oh yeah, thats my husband" ......shit......
ha. the one gallery that i would be potentially interested in working with, and i have to go talk shit about the owners husband. awesome.
it was true though. one girl won that was literally in a bra and panties with coat hangers tied to her body. im sorry, but that is about as lame, literal, and uninventive as you can possibly be.
so yeah....i have a big mouth.
umm....i finally got my tattoo on my arm finished. once it heals completely ill post a picture or something. (ive been really bad about keeping up with that stuff lately.
im already itching for another one. i dont know what yet, and im really not trying to fill myself up at this point in time....i need to save skin for really amazing artists to work on.
i submitted work to 3 online mags yesterday. keep your fingers crossed....
....sigh..... i need to go change out of my jammies and get some work done.
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