today is a completely exciting day....
First.... THE HEAT FINALLY BROKE!!! What a freaking relief! After five completely miserable days of, essentially, being annexed into one little room, i can finally venture out and experience my new home!
I started a flickr account to document my ongoing process of decorating my apartment.
flickrrrrrhopefully that link works.... its been a little while since ive done any code. (ive become so rusty at blogging!)
So anyway, I should probably be working in my apartment today, but i cant help wanting to venture out and do a little thrifting. im SO addicted.
In other completely exciting news.... JUSTIN and I both got jobs yesterday. Everything is coming together so nicely. Ill be making $3/hour more than i was making at my old job!
So, needless to say, we both had a lot of celebrating to do.... and we did! we had our first night out on the town last night. we had such a great time. it was SO great hanging out with my other Justin. im so happy to be back....however, we were definately feeling the drinks/dehydration this morning....ugh. (nothing a little red bull and gatorade wont fix!)
alright. im going to motivate. check my
flickr later for pics from my walk to the store this morning.