Today has been completely exhausting. Ive been working my butt off in the apartment, and its finally coming around... i would say, i am over half way done with my unpacking and decorating. I really didn't think that it would take me so long to get things settled, but then again, I've never had to unpack for two!
I spent a good part of the day finishing up the kitchen and go through stuff. I didn't take into consider how much storage we were losing by moving into an apartment from a four bedroom house. I wouldn't really refer to Justin and I as "pack-rats" but stuff has definitely accumulated over the past couple of years. I have a lot of trouble getting rid of clothes, but I managed to sort out two garbage bags of clothes to get rid of. One bag that is just trash and another to give away. Hopefully, Justin will be as proactive in his process of uncluttering.
I changed the template for my blog and will update the links section soon.
I won't be starting my new job for another week, which I'm really excited about. It's a huge relief that I'll have plenty of time to unpack and get settled before I get back to the daily grind.
Things are going so well right now. I'm feeling really positive and excited about being back.
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