im kind of scared to blog. my internet connection that i "share" with my surrounding neighbors has been completely non-existent as of late. At least my beloved blogger has an automatic save feature.
*note to self... add more links to posts! i feel guilty for not being a more responsible linker. my image file on my desktop is overflowing and my bookmarks are getting a little overwhelming. There are just SO many amazing blogs popping up all over the internet. Very exciting stuff.
Also, I'm going to try to be more conscious of my writing....make things a little more cohesive and fluid.
so yeah...
So many things happened this week, and all with out leaving the comfort of my bed. (Not so much comfort actually, my bed is too small, I've officially decided.)
It was my birthday on Wednesday... how lucky am I to share the same b-day week as so many amazing people...(Rosser, Tesser, and lots of others that I cant recall at the moment.) However, I became really sick on Monday afternoon and remained in bed until yesterday....bronchitis and laryngitis. nice. It was pretty crappy, but I did get to watch lots of episodes of The Office and 30 Rock.
Oh yeah.... I QUIT SMOKING! Its only been 5 days, so don't get too amped, but I'm trying really hard. I even went out and dropped $50 bucks on the damn patch. I don't really like it though. Its itchy and makes me a little nauseous. It also freaks me out a little. It comes with a damn bible on how to use it, and has really specific rules on how discard the used product and such. Its like anthrax or something. It makes me paranoid.
So back to whats important....presents. This year I was so sickly spoiled, I got way more than I ever deserved. Some of the highlights...
OH YEAH! most importantly I got a new awesome job....without even looking! I sent out a million resumes and went on about a half a million interviews before I moved up here, but unfortunately the summer is the worst time to try to get a print job. Its the slow season as far as all that goes...I have yet to discover why.
So, I finally sucked it up and took a job working for the company I had been employed at before I left. I took a better position with more pay, so it all worked out. Well, since I accepted the position, I have received interview requests nearly every week, which I politely declined. However, I had interviewed at one place that I really wanted to work at and I never heard back....until this week!!! Its a HUGE promotion. I will be doing ALL the art/design/pre-press for a company that specializes in screen printing and product marking. I'll have my own office. A decent raise in pay and a lot better benefits.
Now i just need to tell my old job..... I'm really not stoked about this...but I'm hoping to make the situation a little better by helping them find my replacement.
So yeah...things are really amazing right now. I never would've thought that they could've gotten any better. Now I just need to finish my damn apartment....(yes, it is still not complete!)
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