well. i was going to start the post with a cutesy little ad ive been working on, but alas, the colors are coming out all wrong. it must be because it is saved in spot colors and they must not translate to web colors...(whatever those are), my main artistic focus right now is design...(there is a crazy hmeless person screaming outside my house...nice) anyway... i like doing design because it stresses me out a lot less than regular fine art. fine art is so judge-ey. plus, design work furthers my career. fine art just gives me more crap to hang on my walls... does anyone want to buy some work?? i have a few pieces to get rid of. i hate having stuff laying around collecting dust.
so, i skipped yoga tonight. its the first night i havent gone in six weeks...aside from the first week when i had bronchitis.
i feel overwhelmed with things to do...lets see...
winterize the house.... curtains, weather stripping, putting down the storm windows.
xmas shopping... i will start early this year and avoid nasty holiday crowds.
design work... let me know if you need some freelance stuff done cheap-slash-free or for tradesies??
clean up/reformat harddrive... seeeeeriously.
finish cleaning/organizing studio
umm... i think thats it for now.
if anyone has any god links to design portflio sites/blogs pleawe forward them so i can rip them off....i mean, er, be inspired by them.
and one last thought....
i dont understand people who constantly complain/talk shit about things but absolutely refuse to do anything to try to change them. all they do is bring negative energy into my office. what can i do or say to get them to complain to someone else?
am i really complaining about people complaining??? hilarious.
have a safe happy halloween. i will post pictures of my exciting weekend soon.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007

so its been a slightly stressful/hectic week... speaking of.... im going to pour myself a glass of wine....
okay. im back.
on a side note... let me just say that i dont drink wine because i think its classy. i drink wine because i enjoy being drunk. tonight i drink my blush wine out of a chinese coffee cup with ice in it. there are SO many things wrong with that sentence from a wine drinking perspective...but i really dont care.
tonight i am drinking pink truck which is apparently "a pink wine you'd be proud to drink" because drinking other pink wine is just embarrassing...but will probably get you drunk. i bought it solely because i enjoyed the bottle.
anyway....i digress.
so i had some drama this week, but everything is fine. im a little bummed about my apartment. my landlord sucks really bad and has a major drinking problem...and now my ceiling is leaking....and since i got into a screaming match with him earlier in the week i now need to document everything that goes wrong with the place and put everything in writting. its really lame, but i have to protect myself and my rights. and you should too
these people prey on the fact that they rent primarily to young naive students who are unfamiliar with their rights, and we allow them to, so its our own damn fault.
yoga helps. its changed my outlook on life SO dramatically in just six weeks. my forms are improving too which is super exciting. we added a few new postures to our routine which is very exciting and challenging.
now we are doing downward dog - plank - upward dog - downward dog
downward - modified cobra - downward.
Urdvha Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog) one of my fav poses.
i dont even remember how i metpepe, or even how long ive know him. but i know hes super nice and he makes AMAZING art. i always get insanely excited and giddy when i see people i know making inspiring work.
umm... i know we are all irritated with the weather... especially those of us with little ones. but we need to keep in mind that the rain is vital to us and it is a great blessing from the earth. its kind of funny that we walk around...these giant fluid-filled, flesh-bags, but we hate to get wet.
someone puked on robinson outside of helens last night....luckily the rain washed most of it away....another reason to be greatful!
justin (my friend....not my boyfriend) and i are going on a fabulous trip tomorrow. i am very excited to take a day trip. even if it is just gloucester and hampton.
im done here.
Friday, October 19, 2007

i am absolutely bonkers over Miranda July, so much so, that she gets her name capitalized.
As of late, I am completely motivated. There is something about having a busy schedule, that makes you realize yu can always do more.
Last week I was a complete and utter bitch. Mercury went into retrograde and things got a little nuts. Luckily, I stayed level headed, managed to avoid any major decision making situations, and things seemed to settle down.
Justin has tattooed me twice in the past two days and my sleeve is getting closer and closer to completion. The one I got tonight may have replaced all others on my favs list.
FYI... the ditch and the elbow hurt as much as everyone says....and the arm pit.
look what i can do!
unfortunately...or fortunately...I cant decide.... I do a limited amount of "real" design...which makes it a whole lot more fun when I get to churn out cheap-o signs for crabcakes.
anyway... justin just got home. i want to take a bath and watch the office on DVD. ill update more tomorrow.
Sunday, October 14, 2007

I am on a quest to re-own all the Richard Scarry books I owned as a child. I am dying for this one....busy, busy, world.... however, it goes for over $40 and I just cant justify shelling that out. I settled for "busy, busy, town" and "what do people do all day" each were a few sheckles a piece.
If you come across busy, busy, world or any of the brick books....(the covers are illustrated bricks) I will buy them off you.
Anyway, things have been hectic since I started my new job....and after spending 9 hours staring at the computer my eyes and brain need a break....therefore, i havent been getting online as much....resulting in a lack of blog posts.
My new job is pretty amazing. It was initially quite intimidating, but im slowly becoming absorbed into the flow of things.
Yoga is STILL amazing. im getting a lot better which is really exciting. i am ACTUALLY progressing. i definitely didnt think i would catch on so quickly, but i have absolutely fallen in love with it and really push myself in class. Im thinking once my six weeks is up Im going to join another class too....so ill be practicing twice a week!!!
today justin (the other one...not my bf) and i had brunch at helens and went thrifting...the weather is absolutely AMAZING!
i heart jeans and sweaters!
ok. check out my flickr.... new pictures.......
oh yeah.... go out and buy the new miranda july book. its worth the read.
Sunday, October 07, 2007

i swear this isnt a porn blog. Masuimi Max is just too cute. She looks kind of like a bobble head.
so i have been in super-mega-bitch mode as of late. I really need to write some apology notes. I mean, I'm exhausted, thats all. I started my new job this week and its been completely hectic. Basically, I've spent most of my time fixing the last guys mistakes, so new incoming work has been piling up and I've been working late every night. I'm really into it tho... just not yet acclimated to having so many people be so dependent on me. Its a lot of pressure and a lot of responsibilty, I just dont want to let anyone down.
I went out and bought a new Illustrator book for CS3. I'm actually still using CS2 at work, but after looking at some of the new features that CS3 has I think I'm going to try to push for an upgrade. (The panels operate out of a collapsible dock, and you can customize and save your work space.)
Anyway..... between the work stress and having house guests, I guess I've been kind of grumpy....and after working an 11 hour day I really don't feel like coming home and finding an over flowing trash can. nuf said.
I finally recieved my natascha merritt book I had ordered off amazon. I was pretty annoyed to find that it was completely busted. The description said "Like new, slight shelf wear". Bullshit. It was not "like new" it was "like old" it was all busted and had a bunch of weird shit underlined and noted written in it.
Lame. I should report her.
I was going to go spend my west elm gift certificate, but it was too damn hot to be running around outside. I think I'd be better off to wait until payday anyway, as $100 doesn't get you far at the Elm.
Im out.
Hopefully this weekend will go a little smoother and ill be able to get in some mid-week blogging. i have lots of links and new pics to post.
ps. watch the office and 30 rock on thursdays....both those shows are AMAZING!
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