so its been a slightly stressful/hectic week... speaking of.... im going to pour myself a glass of wine....
okay. im back.
on a side note... let me just say that i dont drink wine because i think its classy. i drink wine because i enjoy being drunk. tonight i drink my blush wine out of a chinese coffee cup with ice in it. there are SO many things wrong with that sentence from a wine drinking perspective...but i really dont care.
tonight i am drinking pink truck which is apparently "a pink wine you'd be proud to drink" because drinking other pink wine is just embarrassing...but will probably get you drunk. i bought it solely because i enjoyed the bottle.
anyway....i digress.
so i had some drama this week, but everything is fine. im a little bummed about my apartment. my landlord sucks really bad and has a major drinking problem...and now my ceiling is leaking....and since i got into a screaming match with him earlier in the week i now need to document everything that goes wrong with the place and put everything in writting. its really lame, but i have to protect myself and my rights. and you should too
these people prey on the fact that they rent primarily to young naive students who are unfamiliar with their rights, and we allow them to, so its our own damn fault.
yoga helps. its changed my outlook on life SO dramatically in just six weeks. my forms are improving too which is super exciting. we added a few new postures to our routine which is very exciting and challenging.
now we are doing downward dog - plank - upward dog - downward dog
downward - modified cobra - downward.
Urdvha Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog) one of my fav poses.
i dont even remember how i metpepe, or even how long ive know him. but i know hes super nice and he makes AMAZING art. i always get insanely excited and giddy when i see people i know making inspiring work.
umm... i know we are all irritated with the weather... especially those of us with little ones. but we need to keep in mind that the rain is vital to us and it is a great blessing from the earth. its kind of funny that we walk around...these giant fluid-filled, flesh-bags, but we hate to get wet.
someone puked on robinson outside of helens last night....luckily the rain washed most of it away....another reason to be greatful!
justin (my friend....not my boyfriend) and i are going on a fabulous trip tomorrow. i am very excited to take a day trip. even if it is just gloucester and hampton.
im done here.
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