wow. i am so sleepy after doing yoga this morning... i was doing okay until i sat down...bleh. i am still doing super good with my no soda/no red bull ban. i had a glass of ginger ale yesterday, but only because i had the worst headache EVER.... never let me drink andre again-PLEASE?!?!?
so, yeah, ive managed to do yoga three times this week, which is pretty exciting. i really want to get back to where i was, as far as flexibility/strength, because the month i took off over xmas, really did me in.
oh yeah, i still havent had one bite of meat.... im awesome.
i uploaded some wip (work in progress) pieces, from the latest piece ive been working on. i will upload the finished version today...and hopefully pictures from justins bday.
i got to see zhanna on friday night....unfortch, she didnt get in until 1am, and i was already deep in an andre induced intoxicated state, but we had a lovely time regardless. we went to ipanema for last call and then came back to my place for tasty spinach and feta pizza, followed by rest, followed by breakfast at joes inn. it was REALLY great seeing z, and she left just soon enough for me to not get annoyed with her...jk.
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