Saturday, November 15, 2008


"While we are on the subject of looking ahead, I have to warn you about a particularly angry full moon that will come up next month, just prior to the holidays, December 12. This full moon will fall in Gemini and light your house of career, but there are problems. This full moon will be in hard angle to Mars, Uranus, Saturn, and the Sun. That is a lot of planetary activity, and I will, of course, talk about it next month. It will bring a conclusion to something having to do with your career. It could be someone is leaving, and it causes shock waves throughout the company.

The reason I am talking about this full moon now is that you know that your attention will be pulled in another direction on that Friday, and your emotions will be stirred up through the weekend, December 13-14. That's a popular weekend to shop, ship, and decorate the house, but I feel whatever comes up this weekend will cause those holiday activities to slide. If you have children depending on you to talk to Santa about getting certain presents for them, you may find it hard to get through to Santa, if you catch my meaning. This is why I ask you to shop in November, when you have everything going for you, and finish up your shopping, wrapping, and shipping no later than December 9. If you put up a Christmas tree, I would like you to have it up by December 9 if possible, too.

After the full moon arrives December 12 plus or minus three days, you will be preoccupied, and by the time you regain your balance it will be December 20 or so, which is really late! Why pay high shipping costs for packages you couldn't ship earlier? Get ready for the holiday in November, and you will be SO glad you did. This year the stores will have plenty of sales, so you will not miss out on those. Also, stores will have lower inventory than usual, so you won't be disappointed with your selection in November."


1 comment:

donatype said...

hey allison. no i'm not on flickr :( but i'm gonna add you in my link section because i love your blog! is that okay?? how are you? i want to know more astrology stuff!