Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I really want to take part in a CSA next year... (community supported agriculture) they send you fresh veggies every week, and its a surprise package. you dont know exactly what you are getting, or how much of it you are getting. it would be cool to start eating weird veggies and learning to cook new things. maybe that can be one of my resolutions. the farm im looking at costs $575 dollars, and sends food from may til the end of september, all organic. they also have fruit, and fresh herbs. and from what ive read its hard to make it through all the food.

1 comment:

Tess said...

Yeah I really want to do one too, only I dunno now if I'll have enough money for it. But I think if you can split it with a next-door neighbor or something, it's cheaper and there's always plenty of veggies. Definitely something I'm looking into.