Monday, August 24, 2009

Harrell Fletcher: What makes something—a piece of art, a film, a book, a bowl of soup, a song, a walk—really good, in your subjective view? Maybe the question is, if you had a set of things that you considered good, like the list in the previous sentence, is there a quality that they share that makes you like them? Or is the goodness different in each case?
July: I think there are a few categories of cross-genre good, but here is my favorite: At first you hate it. And then suddenly you expand, you grow, and the book, the bowl of soup, the song, the walk, becomes a prized thing—the first example of your new, smarter self.

...from the miranda july interview in interview magazine

i am a really big miranda july fan.
if you are unfamiliar with her... you should go buy "no one belongs here more than you" right now... GO!

1 comment:

donatype said...

i love her too.