today has definitely been my worst day as far as not smoking goes. I would've thought that the earlier days would have been worse, but apparently my withdrawals have kicked into overdrive. I haven't been sleeping. My sleep cycle is all messed up from being sick and sleeping all the time, so instead of falling asleep at eleven, I haven't been able to crash before 4am. It's been completely miserable. Top that with the stress of not smoking, and the anxiety I have about giving my notice a mere month after taking a job, and the results are one big frazzled mess. Time to start drinking?
My studio is finally 80% complete. At least I can work in there now. I have some ideas for projects and I've been attempting to get work done...to no avail. Oh, yeah, and I overdrew my bank account. Well, not technically, but I'm sure Wachovia will charge me anyway. They will charge you overdrafts for pending charges, even if there are pending deposits. Its lame. I really need to find a new bank. Any suggestions?
Also, in attempt to regain a little bit of a social life, I think I'm going to start having a movie night at my house....girls only maybe? Anyone interested?
....pray for me.... I'm really trying to stay strong through this whole not smoking ordeal.......it's insanely hard though, and any kind words/pats on the back would be greatly appreciated.
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