man, things have been good.... i mean, really, really, good...and the AMAZING weather is just the icing on top.... seriously, flip flops in february??? SOO happy!
ive been working so hard on my digital stuff. im pretty excited. i have already submitted two designs to threadless and i have found a few other submission based sites... one for badges and another for skate decks.
i will post everywhere if my submissions are accepted onto the threadless site...and hopefully people will sign up and vote for me...(please?)
umm... im still trying to get a ffffound acct. if you are reading this and you have access to an invite.... have mercy on me please???
Very awesome designs, Looks sort of like the Electric Lightning Bolt.
I really dig your work - very creative. I'm starting a greeting card company with some colleagues at Northwestern in Evanston, IL. Nobody was satisfied with Hallmark, and we think we can free greeting cards from the shackles. I'd really like to get your thoughts if you wouldn't mind chatting with us. My email is wjlinville@gmail.com.
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