Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hummingbird Gourd Peru
my guess is that this is a tattooed gourd. its so amazing. i really want to do this.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
ugh. ive been online all day, which normally is enjoyable, but my neck and shoulders hurt. my mom got me an early xmas gift today. its a mid-century basset china cabinet, sort of like this. im really excited about it. i have rubbermaid bins full of toys and crap that i have had no room to display.
my lungs are so crappy. its frustrating. i went to the allergist and had about a million tests done... (six hours worth!) only for them to discover that they dont know whats wrong with me. great. i am getting increasingly more sensitive to chemicals, and its starting to freak me out a little. justin cant even use windex in the same room as me. on sunday, i cleaned a bunch and moved some furniture around, and the dust just about killed me. arg.
i started re-organizing our studio and moved some furniture into the trunk room... (ex-amys room, bill paying room, my studio) it is now my library slash walk in closet, and it is very cute and homey in there. there studio is still a pretty big wreck, but hopefully ill be able to tackle more of that next weekend.
i have decided that i officially need to find a part-time job. with the economy sucking as bad as it is, people are just not getting tattooed. im not too excited about it, but whatever, it will only be temporary.
my mom is coming next week and i am super excited!
as usual.... check my delicious for links and my flickr for lots and lots of pictures.
my lungs are so crappy. its frustrating. i went to the allergist and had about a million tests done... (six hours worth!) only for them to discover that they dont know whats wrong with me. great. i am getting increasingly more sensitive to chemicals, and its starting to freak me out a little. justin cant even use windex in the same room as me. on sunday, i cleaned a bunch and moved some furniture around, and the dust just about killed me. arg.
i started re-organizing our studio and moved some furniture into the trunk room... (ex-amys room, bill paying room, my studio) it is now my library slash walk in closet, and it is very cute and homey in there. there studio is still a pretty big wreck, but hopefully ill be able to tackle more of that next weekend.
i have decided that i officially need to find a part-time job. with the economy sucking as bad as it is, people are just not getting tattooed. im not too excited about it, but whatever, it will only be temporary.
my mom is coming next week and i am super excited!
as usual.... check my delicious for links and my flickr for lots and lots of pictures.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
imploding like a neutron star

never one to be out done or "half-ass" i have decided to commit myself whole-heartedly to my nervous breakdown. i understand that t may involve countless hours of not eating/sleeping, many incoherent drug/drink binges, and a lot of 4 am texting. i understand this and i am completely prepared.
i spoke tom tom today, and received a lovely image of his wound (just in time for halloween!). its insanely hard. even though i know that he is doing way better than was ever expected, its still insanely hard. i feel pretty stupid and naive to think that this whole situation would pass by without having any negative impact on me. its kind of funny. tragedy. is this tragedy? or am i just dramatic?
the only thing i am capable of doing right now is scanning images. i scanned for hours and hours last night. til my eye burned and fingers were raw (not really). it kind of reminds me of a kid i went to school with... i didnt know him personally, he was a grad, i was an unergrad, blah blah... but after his mother died he could no longer paint, so he gessoed and sanded canvases. i guess the only difference is that he was making beautiful art and i am wasting time. at least i have a distraction.
Monday, October 20, 2008
"what would tim burton do?"
only tess dixon can put tim burton before jesus and still be an angel.

i am currently manning the helm of nerd central (aka an octagonal 1970's faux bois laminate table with matching chairs, 17" PC with scanner, and my macbook.) i cant remember if i mentioned this or not, but last week justin and i hit the vintage book jackpot, and i am in the slow (very, very, slow) process of scanning in my favorite illustrations to share with my various flickr groups.
to be honest... i am pretty exhausted, and by "pretty exhausted" i mean, "really exhausted". the funny thing is i am always lecturing one of my friends (you know who you are) that he needs to be there for himself first in order to be healthy and happy and available to help other people. i guess its really easy to plow through everyday and half ignore all the problems, drama, and hurt around you. i guess i always manage to fill the family role as "tough guy" and emotional shut down during the crisis, take care of everyone else, until i crash and burn. i quite honestly didnt even realize until i crashed, how unhealthy all my behaviors have been.... i guess i am finally ready to admit that i have been silently falling apart.
when i returned back from maine in august i started to have a lot of respiratory problems...AGAIN. only this time, instead of my standard two to three weeks of bronchitis, i have become asthmatic (or something). i have been in a constant fight with my landlord for the past three months about water damage and mice "dirt" that i have found in the walls and believe to be the source of my breathing issues. first i was told that the three foot crack in my ceiling and constant littering debris were "cosmetic" then i was told that the mice feces i discovered in my water heater/furnace closet were "my responsibility to clean up" and eventually i had to call the city inspector. i had to get shot up with steroids and buy a special doo-hickey that measures the amount of air that i can get out of my lungs. i have been put on two different inhalers, advair and albuterol, the advair costs $189 to refill (with insurance) so once its out, i wont be refilling it.
my birthday came and went, and was barely acknowledged. i was really in no position to celebrate, too sick, too depressed.
the steroids make me shaky and anxious and then drastically crash... the crashes are getting better as my tolerance to the drugs increases. i had to cancel lots and lots of tattoos, because you cant tattoo if you cant breathe, or draw a straight line.
over the past two weeks my asthma has deteriorated into a chronic cough, which is enough to make me want to pound my head into a wall. sometimes the coughing gets so out of control that i start to gag myself, no bueno.
i am going to see an allergist this week (it has taken me a month to get an appt), and of course, my coughing seems to have subsided over the past two days. i hope i am completely healthy and normal by the time i have my appt, in order to thoroughly compress the fact that no one seems to know whats wrong with me.
on a lighter note, my brother, as some of you know, has a brain tumor. he had most of it surgically removed on wednesday and has already been discharged from the hospital in pittsburg and made his way back to richmond. initially the doctors were expecting him to need two operations and have to stay in the hospital for two weeks. he was in surgery for ten hours and the doctors were able to move almost all of the tumor, except for some of it that was wrapped around his vocal chords... oh yeah, i guess i shouldve mentioned that tom, being the overachiever that he is, couldnt have just a regular ol' tumor. no, his was located at the bottom of his cerebellum and all tangles up in his nerves. they were very afraid that he would lose his ability to swallow and suffer from facial paralysis. he is already completely deaf in his left ear, and will probably never be able to dj again. the good news is that tom was awake and sitting up the morning after his surgery, he was able to talk, smile, stick his tongue out, walk down the hall and up some stairs. he was taken out of ICU that day and kept in a regular ward for one extra day before being released. once he starts feeling better he will start radiation therapy, which will hopefully kill that son-of-a-b "herman" forever. plus, i think that tom should rock an amazing mullet wig after he loses his hair.
on top of all of this i have been stuck in the middle of other personal drama which has been insanely stressful and hard.
amy leaves next week and i will be sad to see her go, even if it means regaining my space and order and structure, it has been nice to have a friend here for awhile. not just a "what are you doing friday night" text/bar friend, but a real friend friend. someone to watch cheesy, embarrassing, girl tv with, and go shopping with, and eat expensive cheese with. i have had SO much fun doing crazy tattoos on her, and will be looking for a replacement ASAP.
....and to top everything else off... the economy sucks, tattoos are for people with disposable incomes, and no one seems to have any of that right now. i was even talking to one of my bartender friends about it last night, i thought that maybe people were tipping less because of the economy, but she said that people are drinking less... or maybe drinking the same amount, just at home?
anyway.... i think this has been the LONGEST POST IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD....
so why not add a little more....
i got a little crazy on saturday night at the cous cous 90's dance party, as far as i remember i was on pretty decent behavior aside from molesting half the female attendants breasts, but they didnt seem to mind. if however, i am wrong, and i got fresh with your bosoms and you were offended, i am truly sorry, had i not ingested many, many, xanax, and many, many PBR's, i would have been able to control myself.... on a positive note, i was SO happy to hang with tess, ana, jess, michael otley, nato, and my fav. dance partner nick bryant... you all put the pearl in my oyster... oh yeah, and the always lovely carolyn, whom i just met, but is super cute... and all the other cute girls i met-slash-molested, please re-introduce yourselves when i am slightly more sober. oh yeah, i was insanely stoked to run into joey at empire, and parker! i look forward to trying to catch up with them in the future.
on a final note.... the much anticipated eleventh season of "the simpsons" finally released after over a year. yay!

i am currently manning the helm of nerd central (aka an octagonal 1970's faux bois laminate table with matching chairs, 17" PC with scanner, and my macbook.) i cant remember if i mentioned this or not, but last week justin and i hit the vintage book jackpot, and i am in the slow (very, very, slow) process of scanning in my favorite illustrations to share with my various flickr groups.
to be honest... i am pretty exhausted, and by "pretty exhausted" i mean, "really exhausted". the funny thing is i am always lecturing one of my friends (you know who you are) that he needs to be there for himself first in order to be healthy and happy and available to help other people. i guess its really easy to plow through everyday and half ignore all the problems, drama, and hurt around you. i guess i always manage to fill the family role as "tough guy" and emotional shut down during the crisis, take care of everyone else, until i crash and burn. i quite honestly didnt even realize until i crashed, how unhealthy all my behaviors have been.... i guess i am finally ready to admit that i have been silently falling apart.
when i returned back from maine in august i started to have a lot of respiratory problems...AGAIN. only this time, instead of my standard two to three weeks of bronchitis, i have become asthmatic (or something). i have been in a constant fight with my landlord for the past three months about water damage and mice "dirt" that i have found in the walls and believe to be the source of my breathing issues. first i was told that the three foot crack in my ceiling and constant littering debris were "cosmetic" then i was told that the mice feces i discovered in my water heater/furnace closet were "my responsibility to clean up" and eventually i had to call the city inspector. i had to get shot up with steroids and buy a special doo-hickey that measures the amount of air that i can get out of my lungs. i have been put on two different inhalers, advair and albuterol, the advair costs $189 to refill (with insurance) so once its out, i wont be refilling it.
my birthday came and went, and was barely acknowledged. i was really in no position to celebrate, too sick, too depressed.
the steroids make me shaky and anxious and then drastically crash... the crashes are getting better as my tolerance to the drugs increases. i had to cancel lots and lots of tattoos, because you cant tattoo if you cant breathe, or draw a straight line.
over the past two weeks my asthma has deteriorated into a chronic cough, which is enough to make me want to pound my head into a wall. sometimes the coughing gets so out of control that i start to gag myself, no bueno.
i am going to see an allergist this week (it has taken me a month to get an appt), and of course, my coughing seems to have subsided over the past two days. i hope i am completely healthy and normal by the time i have my appt, in order to thoroughly compress the fact that no one seems to know whats wrong with me.
on a lighter note, my brother, as some of you know, has a brain tumor. he had most of it surgically removed on wednesday and has already been discharged from the hospital in pittsburg and made his way back to richmond. initially the doctors were expecting him to need two operations and have to stay in the hospital for two weeks. he was in surgery for ten hours and the doctors were able to move almost all of the tumor, except for some of it that was wrapped around his vocal chords... oh yeah, i guess i shouldve mentioned that tom, being the overachiever that he is, couldnt have just a regular ol' tumor. no, his was located at the bottom of his cerebellum and all tangles up in his nerves. they were very afraid that he would lose his ability to swallow and suffer from facial paralysis. he is already completely deaf in his left ear, and will probably never be able to dj again. the good news is that tom was awake and sitting up the morning after his surgery, he was able to talk, smile, stick his tongue out, walk down the hall and up some stairs. he was taken out of ICU that day and kept in a regular ward for one extra day before being released. once he starts feeling better he will start radiation therapy, which will hopefully kill that son-of-a-b "herman" forever. plus, i think that tom should rock an amazing mullet wig after he loses his hair.
on top of all of this i have been stuck in the middle of other personal drama which has been insanely stressful and hard.
amy leaves next week and i will be sad to see her go, even if it means regaining my space and order and structure, it has been nice to have a friend here for awhile. not just a "what are you doing friday night" text/bar friend, but a real friend friend. someone to watch cheesy, embarrassing, girl tv with, and go shopping with, and eat expensive cheese with. i have had SO much fun doing crazy tattoos on her, and will be looking for a replacement ASAP.
....and to top everything else off... the economy sucks, tattoos are for people with disposable incomes, and no one seems to have any of that right now. i was even talking to one of my bartender friends about it last night, i thought that maybe people were tipping less because of the economy, but she said that people are drinking less... or maybe drinking the same amount, just at home?
anyway.... i think this has been the LONGEST POST IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD....
so why not add a little more....
i got a little crazy on saturday night at the cous cous 90's dance party, as far as i remember i was on pretty decent behavior aside from molesting half the female attendants breasts, but they didnt seem to mind. if however, i am wrong, and i got fresh with your bosoms and you were offended, i am truly sorry, had i not ingested many, many, xanax, and many, many PBR's, i would have been able to control myself.... on a positive note, i was SO happy to hang with tess, ana, jess, michael otley, nato, and my fav. dance partner nick bryant... you all put the pearl in my oyster... oh yeah, and the always lovely carolyn, whom i just met, but is super cute... and all the other cute girls i met-slash-molested, please re-introduce yourselves when i am slightly more sober. oh yeah, i was insanely stoked to run into joey at empire, and parker! i look forward to trying to catch up with them in the future.
on a final note.... the much anticipated eleventh season of "the simpsons" finally released after over a year. yay!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

im tired. my health hasn't been great, my asthma seems to be getting worse, and i feel like im coughing constantly... my back muscles are getting bigger. ha. things have been pretty stressful. tom gets his first brain surgery tomorrow and then the second on thursday or friday.
on a positive note... i finally got the first part of my sleeve finished and it looks amazing. also, i have been really happy with the tattoos that ive been doing lately. justin and i went thrifting on monday and had super-fun-lucky time. i got a ridiculous amount of vintage science and reference books, and am excited to start ripping them off.
umm... i cant remember if i mentioned this or not, but.... i am in the process of working on building my clientele and portfolio so i am doing some free tattoos. the logistics are on my myspace blog. please hit me up with any questions/concerns. i am really serious about doing this.
oh.... and we are having a super spooktacular halloween party at tattoo 702 on halloween, starting at about 8ish. i have decorated, and i see no reason for anyone to not stop by for t least 5 minutes.
Thursday, October 09, 2008

ummm... so i have been doing a really good keeping my delicious account up-to-date, and i want to network with more people... so... add me....
alison is delicious
ps. pinkerton is still magical after all these years. seriously.
as some of you know, my brother tom has a tumor named herman, and he is a total douche. his friends have set up a paypal acct to accept donations... and anything anyone can do will help.
toms blog
for the price of two PBR's you can help feed a poor half korean boy. for the price of an american apparel t shirt, you can pay tolls for this little guys drive to pittsburg.....
from tom:
The time for me 2 get my surgeries done is almost here!
I will be leaving for Pittsburgh on Sun..
My first surgery is next Wed. & the second one is the following Mon..
So far in donations I have received enough $ to cover 1 month of rent.
If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it!
I will be out of work for 10 weeks & being able to cover bills is going 2 be tough.
I know it's tough for a lot of people right now & I completely understand.
I know many of you would help me out if you could because the majority of my friends have really good hearts!
Thanks 2 the people that did donate! Ya'll are the best & it helps me out a lot!
If anyone would like to donate go to my blog. That blog will be up till about the end of Dec. so I can pay the necessary bills like Jan. rent. All $ is solely for bills & nothing else. Trust & thanks!
Tom Collins
toms blog
for the price of two PBR's you can help feed a poor half korean boy. for the price of an american apparel t shirt, you can pay tolls for this little guys drive to pittsburg.....
from tom:
The time for me 2 get my surgeries done is almost here!
I will be leaving for Pittsburgh on Sun..
My first surgery is next Wed. & the second one is the following Mon..
So far in donations I have received enough $ to cover 1 month of rent.
If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it!
I will be out of work for 10 weeks & being able to cover bills is going 2 be tough.
I know it's tough for a lot of people right now & I completely understand.
I know many of you would help me out if you could because the majority of my friends have really good hearts!
Thanks 2 the people that did donate! Ya'll are the best & it helps me out a lot!
If anyone would like to donate go to my blog. That blog will be up till about the end of Dec. so I can pay the necessary bills like Jan. rent. All $ is solely for bills & nothing else. Trust & thanks!
Tom Collins
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
i started my first official flickr group! i am super excited about it. the funny think is that i wasnt even looking to form a group at all. i was searching for a pre-existing group that focused on vintage anatomical and medical reference and oddities, and there was one. weird.
so, anywhoo... you should stop by and take a gander vintage anatomicals. it is just getting started (circa yesterday), so there arnt too many posts yet... but i do have five members already. awesome.
oh.... and.... thanks SO much to tess dixon of the AMAZING parasol party for being my "dear abby". i swear, every time i have a question about nearly anything i go to tess. she is the bestest, and richmond is a better place because she is here. i heart you.
so, anywhoo... you should stop by and take a gander vintage anatomicals. it is just getting started (circa yesterday), so there arnt too many posts yet... but i do have five members already. awesome.
oh.... and.... thanks SO much to tess dixon of the AMAZING parasol party for being my "dear abby". i swear, every time i have a question about nearly anything i go to tess. she is the bestest, and richmond is a better place because she is here. i heart you.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
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