Sunday, January 25, 2009

im in la guardia airport, ny. traveling makes me tired. traveling and cold weather. drinking lots of tasty beers and eating much food, also. i am on my way back to richmond from my impromptu trip to maine. my grandmother died last tuesday, so i caught a flight home thursday. i didnt have a particularly close relationship with my grandmother, but in retrospect, i really wish i did. i now recognize how selfless and caring she was, and she has inspired me to learn to be less judgmental.

a brief overview of my trip itinerary:

1130ish thursday: arrive in portland maine, cab over to borders, wait for amy to pick me up. drink coffee, start new, exciting drawing. see fifty-foot snowbank.
1230: head back to the dorms. stuff myself with free cafeteria food. soak up free internet. attempt to nap.
230: finally meet trisha. hang on her giant bed. drink dunkin donuts coffee.
500: head to gardiner. drop my stuff off at my brothers.
600: visiting hours at the funeral home. creepy open casket that i am not emotionally prepared to deal with. reconnect with many old faces.
8:00 back to bros. pizza and many many beers.

1100: funeral. really amazing. so many good stories.... "nothings wrong"
1230: beers at the depot. the depot was a total sleezebar when i lived in gardiner a million years ago, so i was really excited to go there, and definitely feeling like a beer was necessary before heading to the family gathering. i was really disappointed to find that they had completely remodeled, and was bright, cute, and comfortable.
100: family gathering at my aunts. lots of funny stories and drunk family.
300: head out to amys mom farm in whitefield. played with baby cow, bert and kitty, the hog.
500: head back to portland. order really tasty food. lay around in dorm.
900: downtown portland. empire/whiteheart. beers. hanging with my cousin amanda. some dancing. suprising amount of cute people.
1230: sleep

1000: 158. fresh bagels. back to gardiner.
1100: devons basketball game.
1200: family time at bros. beers.
200: family dinner at longhorn. so many cheesefries.
500: back to portland. lazy night. internet.

800: head to airport, find out flight is cancelled. hang in airport til 1130 flight. overcharged for wireless internet service.

...................... im ready to be home. eat tasty food with j. hang with my doggies.
i uploaded a ton of photos to my flickr, and will add more later.

1 comment:

Ames Jackson said...

♥ you.