Tuesday, February 19, 2008

has everyone already seen this??
i think lindsay lohan is really beautiful, and i refuse to say anything mean about her, this photoshoot, or her freckley body. (shudders)

Monday, February 18, 2008

i know i rarely post links anymore.... so heres a super amazing one to make up for it: joshua davis

ugh. i am really not trying to work today. i started a new piece yesterday, and i have a lot of "piece work" to do before i actually get to do the fun part of putting the composition together. its insanely nice today. justin and i got chipotle and went to the mall to trade in some levis that i had bought and was just unhappy with.... guess what!?!?! i went down an entire size! (and that was after stuffing my face with delicious burrito-numminess)
then we went to stranges and i got three new tiny succulents for my collection. if you havent been to stranges at short pump, you should def. go, its so awesome. its just past the mall on the left, and it is the biggest greenhouse i have ever been to, they have pretty much everything.
anyway, i want soy icecream.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

wow. i am so sleepy after doing yoga this morning... i was doing okay until i sat down...bleh. i am still doing super good with my no soda/no red bull ban. i had a glass of ginger ale yesterday, but only because i had the worst headache EVER.... never let me drink andre again-PLEASE?!?!?
so, yeah, ive managed to do yoga three times this week, which is pretty exciting. i really want to get back to where i was, as far as flexibility/strength, because the month i took off over xmas, really did me in.
oh yeah, i still havent had one bite of meat.... im awesome.
i uploaded some wip (work in progress) pieces, from the latest piece ive been working on. i will upload the finished version today...and hopefully pictures from justins bday.
i got to see zhanna on friday night....unfortch, she didnt get in until 1am, and i was already deep in an andre induced intoxicated state, but we had a lovely time regardless. we went to ipanema for last call and then came back to my place for tasty spinach and feta pizza, followed by rest, followed by breakfast at joes inn. it was REALLY great seeing z, and she left just soon enough for me to not get annoyed with her...jk.

Friday, February 15, 2008

i seriously need to step things up, production-wise, i think i am starting to understand why most people have out-of-home studios. i feel like i spend FAR, too much time everyday cleaning. justin and i are completely incapable of picking up after ourselves...(esp. justin). a month is really not a long time to get a solo show ready, and i have definately never done so under such time constraints. i really dont want to be rushing things at the end of next month....like every other show i have ever done.
my soda ban is doing alright. i say alright, because today i am really wishing i had a coke. along with quitting my soda intake, i have also quit drinking redbulls...well, mostly.... i steal a couple sips from justin every day... and i am trying really hard to cut donw on my dairy intake. ive been getting super sick lately whenever i eat a lot of it, and in reality dairy products are really gross.
alright...enough screwing around.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

(image by ???)

okay, so im actually just updating because i am trying to put off walking my dogs. its completely grey this morning, and if the temperature in my bedroom is any indication, it is also freezing out. its not so much that i mind the walking part, more like the layering part...putting on millions of clothes. pants, socks, long sleeve shirt, hoodie, wool coat, scarf, gloves, boots.

tomorrow is justins birthday!!! yesterday we found a grey nipple hair... he laughed about it, but i think he was secretly bummed.... i probably shouldnt be announcing this news to the entire internet, but i have a sneaking suspicion that no one reads this blog anyway.

i had announced on myspace this week that i had something exciting in the works, and although i am not ready to make any further announcements... it seems that things are getting better and better. i should have more information after a meeting next monday.

ok....dog walkie time.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

tiny palpitation on threadless

<a href="http://www.threadless.com/submission/151301/misinterpretted_owl" target="_top"><img src="http://www.threadless.com/subbanner/151301/banner1.png" border="0" width="220" height="119" alt="My Threadless.com Submission "></a>

My Threadless.com Submission

q. how happy am i?

a. VERY!

ugh... i have been promoting my designs EVERYWHERE.... i am exhausted. i have been online for hours......bleh. i am going to do yoga when i am done... and clean. my house is messy. i have been doing an AMAZING job of being a wife... cooking, cleaning, making justin lunches... but the past few days i have been slack. i need to catch up on things today.

anyway, please vote for me on threadless.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

man, things have been good.... i mean, really, really, good...and the AMAZING weather is just the icing on top.... seriously, flip flops in february??? SOO happy!
ive been working so hard on my digital stuff. im pretty excited. i have already submitted two designs to threadless and i have found a few other submission based sites... one for badges and another for skate decks.
i will post everywhere if my submissions are accepted onto the threadless site...and hopefully people will sign up and vote for me...(please?)
umm... im still trying to get a ffffound acct. if you are reading this and you have access to an invite.... have mercy on me please???


Saturday, February 02, 2008

WANTED: a friend of my very own

i was thinking today that there is an apparent void in my life, a void that can only be filled with a little buddy.
i am good on paper. i have an amazing boyfriend, adorable pets, a decent apartment filled with increasingly respectable furniture.... and yet, no friends.
its not that i am a social leper, its not that i am not "friend-worthy", its just that all my friends have moved away, and i am not in a position for meeting new people. the few new people that i have met have all seemingly been at a different point in their lives... still in school, still bar hopping, still WAY to "scene" oriented, etc...

so, i know there must be others out there...others as in people in there late twenties, who arnt into going to the bar EVERY night, and therefore, i have no idea how to meet other people their own age...who are smart, and funny, and interesting, but are still without a special buddy.

so ive put together a list... read through it, and if you feel like you obtain a large portion of these characteristics, then message me. dont be "too cool", i promise i wont reject you (immediately)... plus being "cool" is lame anyway....

you should...

be female, and come with awesome, likable, funny, un-douchey boyfriend. (boyfriend should not watch sports, listen to new rock, or read maxim magazine... for that matter, niether should female)
be age 27-30-ish (mature 25 year olds and young 35 year olds will not be disqualified based on age.)
be educated, cultured, and well-read
have a dark, sarcastic sense of humor
be comfortable hanging out with crass tattooed people, but be mannered enough to realize that there is a time and a place for everything (you recognize that yelling about butt sex in a public restaurant, while surrounded by tables of families is inappropriate.)
be interested in art (artist prefered)
be familiar with new, young, artists, and not just the generic family of juxtapoz artists
have an extensive bookmark collection of above mentioned artists, to share with me.... additional knowledge of techiniques, inspirational materials, or cool equipment/facilities a plus
love good movies, in particular, indies, documentaries, and comedies.
have an interest in buddhism and/or yoga

(((basically, you should be a fun, inspiring, person, who can carry on a decent conversation on a variety of topics.)))

should not...

have children... sorry.
be pretentious...
be overly concerned with what the "new buzz band" is or other repulsively trendy crap. spending far too much time scouring the web for the newest, coolest, trend, will be interpretted as a lack of hobbies and a desire to be accepted.
be gossipey. i dont want to be around people who have to be mean in order to make themselves feel better.
blindly hate. racism, sexism, classism, etc. talking shit on people just because they are different is lame.
do drugs or excessively drink (a good time for you is not a good time for your friends)
be psychologically damaged (abused, molested, abandoned, etc.... i know this sounds harsh, but i have tried to heal one too many wounded birds.)
have food issues, complaining about ones weight or ones calorie intake will not be tolerated.
have loose morals.... stealers, liars, and cheaters, need not apply
be judgemental
should not offend easily, particularly by foul language.

(((basically, you shouldnt be a lame, shitty person, with a negative attitude.)))

if this is you, please contact me....so we can be friends....


ugh. my horoscope was crappy this month.... not that i super super support horoscopes or anything, but i generally follow the belief that if the moon can influence something as great as the ocean, why cant it have a little effect on me? Maybe... your karma plants the seeds, and astrology determines when they will sprout??? maybe?
anyway... i read both the libra and virgo horoscopes since i am on the cusp of virgo, and i generally feel that my virgo horoscopes are completely unrelatable.
astrology zone astrology zone offers, by far, the best horoscopes on the interweb.
on the up side it did say something about having creative success, particularly if you work digitally....sweeet.

in other completely unrelated news....

ive been on this whole self-deiscipline kick, inspired mostly by ceasar milan, the dog whisperer.... and i swear, i am a whole new person. I actually googled "self-discipline" a few weeks ago and came across this article....


...and i found it pretty inspiring...esp. the little test. i realized that a big part of my problem is that i lacked self-discipline. I think you see it a lot in people who were raised by single mothers. My theory is that mothers are just not very good disciplinarians, that combined with the fact that I am basically an only child (my brother is ten years my senior), and my mom was always trying to overcompensate for the loss of my stepdad...and i am a big, doughey, piece of crap.... so ive started to change.

some things ive done to become more self-disciplined:

being a better dog owner... talking longer walks with more frequency. playing more games. and training with more regularity.
keeping the dishes clean... this sounds lame, but i would seriously wait until i couldnt get near the sink before i would clean them.
being generally neater and cleaner....making the bed, picking up after myself, organizing lots of things, re-arranging the kitchen.
proactively accomplishing things on my to do list. selling stuff, organizing stuff, bringing stuff to goodwill, completing projects, framing pictures.
making art work, doing research for long term projects, completing work.
getting a big calendar and writting everything down!
becoming vegetarian again... after two years of eating meat, ive remembered that eating meat sucks. it makes you fat and it isnt nice to animals. im hoping that my vegetarianism will slowly move into veganism.

so im pretty excited about "things". i feel like im moving in a positive direction, and hopefully ill slowly be able to get some things in my life back under control....diet, exercise, career, art stuff....

umm in closing.... here is my quote of the day via my "the office" daily calendar...

"im a provider for my workers, ie., family. i give them money... i give them food-not directly, mostly through money. and i heal them. im in charge of picking a great new health care plan... does that make me their doctor? in a way. like a specialist.